
You’re a multilayered person whose accomplishments go way beyond your GPA or transcript. Our competitive admission process ensures we see you that way.

你想让我们看到你最好的一面. 伟大的! 我们也是. 这就是为什么我们的录取过程会考虑许多因素来帮助我们把你作为一个完整的人来看待.


  • 常见申请
    Free application to Centre with this online service.
  • 中学报告
    Completed 由你的指导顾问 (available via the Common Application).
  • 官方成绩单
    Your high school academic record attached to the School Report.
  • 教师评价
    由在你大二的时候教过你大学预科课程的人完成, 大三或大四.
  • 年中报告
  • 国际申请者
    Test reports from either the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the IELTS (International English Testing System), 皮尔森PTE, or the Duolingo English Test (DET) are required. 英语不是第一语言的国际申请者必须提交其中一项考试的正式成绩. Our required minimum for the TOEFL iBT is 93, TOEFL Essentials is 9.5、雅思7分.0, 皮尔森PTE是64,DET是125.
Darkened aerial photo of campus with the Common App logo



透过“通用应用程式”向bwin体育申请, which helps students streamline the admission process to more than 1,000所学院和大学同时进行. 申请bwin体育是完全免费的!



Centre has adopted a test-optional admission policy. You can choose to submit or not to submit test scores. If you choose to apply without submitting test scores, 我们将更加重视申请的其他部分,以确保我们看到你最好的一面. 选择不提交考试成绩的学生将获得充分的奖学金和优秀奖学金.


我们决定给你申请有或没有标准化考试成绩的机会是基于我们的使命,即提供更多的机会, 公平, and individual choice in the admission process. We want you to be able to put your “best foot forward.“你是否选择向中央学院提交标准化考试成绩完全取决于你自己. You can trust us to evaluate your application in a way that benefits you best, 不管你寄不寄成绩.

Centre has long relied on a comprehensive approach to reviewing applications, and standardized test performance has only ever been one of many parts of that review.

You can trust us to evaluate your application in a way that benefits you best, 不管你寄不寄成绩. Submitting standardized test scores gives us an additional data point in the process, 我们将在审查你的申请后决定是否包括你的考试成绩可以提高你的评估. 如果是,太好了! If it doesn’t, we’ll simply ignore the score and go with the original evaluation. The process is designed to ensure the greatest benefit to you.

如果你不提交考试成绩, we will simply put more emphasis on other attributes, 信息, and accomplishments that are included in the application.

你可以提交你的标准化考试成绩,因为你知道提交分数不会有任何伤害,只会帮助申请审查. 知道, 虽然, 选择不提交分数不会以任何方式对申请审查产生负面影响.

Our application evaluation process is one with multiple checkpoints. Before we read your application for the first time, 我们的办公室工作人员勤奋地上传材料并梳理细节,以确保我们尊重您的要求,不考虑您的标准化考试成绩. 即使我们收到你的分数, 如果你不想让我们看到他们, we assure you that we will not consider them during the review of your application. 你可以提交你的分数,如果你有的话. They will never hurt and can only help in the review of your file.

简短的回答是“不,不完全是。.“但你指定的辅导员是你在大学过程中的盟友和支持者. 请记住,提交标准化考试成绩不会以任何方式对你的申请评估产生负面影响. 提交你的分数只会对你有帮助. 提交你的分数可以让我们决定是否将它们纳入审查过程.

In the Centre College supplemental portion of the Common App, 有一个问题非常明确地问你,你是否希望我们把你的考试成绩作为你文件审查的一部分. 您可以选择“是”(如果这些分数对您的评价有帮助,我们可以将其纳入其中;如果对您的评价没有帮助,我们可以忽略它们)或选择“否”.,选择“否”,“我们不会在你的申请审查中以任何方式考虑你的标准化考试成绩.

在您的应用程序门户中, you’ll be able to see if we have received test scores for your application file. 欢迎您随时联系指定的入学顾问,以检查这些或任何其他申请材料的状态.

In order to review applications with care and attention, we begin reviewing completed files even before the stated application deadline. 因为这个原因, if you wish to change your testing plan (test-optional or test-included), we ask that you do so no later than the application deadline for your application plan. 你应该通过电子邮件向招生办公室提出申请,以便我们的工作人员给你正式的确认. If you have a complication or change of heart after the deadline, contact us. We will work with individual cases if our process allows.


Yes, but you should take these scores with a proverbial “grain of salt.“bwin体育, 像许多其他机构一样, is entering uncharted territory as a newly test-optional school, and we are confident that these numbers will shift moving forward. 也就是说, our midranges for applicants last year were 26-32 (ACT) and 1200-1390 (SAT); approximately 25% of admitted students scored below the lower score while approximately 25% of admitted students scored above the higher score.

Students racing uphill in front of the Roush 校园 Center


At Centre, everything you do prior to high school graduation is prep for college. 你卓越的学历和, 如果适用的话, 大学课程, 帮助你在这里取得成功.


Whether you’ve taken 大学课程 or not, we award a limited amount of credit prior to your enrolling at the College.

我们为所有来源的一年级学生提供最多24小时的预科学分.g.,大学先修课程,国际学士学位,双学分,所有其他大学学分). 超过24小时限制的学生可以选择授予哪些学分,您可以根据学院其他政策的限制调整您的选择. 我们不会为你在高中三年级开始前完成的任何课程或考试授予学分. 无论授予何种信用, 学生必须在以下三个领域完成至少一门通识教育课程:社会研究, 科学, 基本问题.

对于大多数大学先修课程考试成绩达到4或5分的学生,bwin体育将奖励至少三个小时的学分. Credit for foreign language requires validation by an institutional exam. Academic programs may award additional credit and assign course equivalencies.




Of Students Are Employed Or Are In Grad School







在做录取决定时, we give the most weight to the quality of high school coursework, 这些课程的成绩, 教师评价.


我们的大多数学生完成了高中课程的荣誉,高级,AP或IB课程. 有竞争力的申请人将在他们的高中学习最苛刻的课程. 委员会会仔细考虑你的高中背景和学校提供的选择.

We recalculate each grade point average (GPA) using an unweighted, 4.0规模. 我们在重新计算中只包括核心学术课程,并将考虑整个高中学年的成绩轨迹.

Centre’s evaluation process places emphasis on steady involvement, 领导, and prominence of organizations and activities in which you are involved. You should include any work experience on your application as well.

The essay allows the admission committee to get a more personal sense of who you are. It should demonstrate your ability to write a well-crafted piece.

我们接受在大二期间教过你的核心学术课程老师的推荐, 初级, 或者大四.

Centre has a test-optional admission policy.

If you would like us to consider your test scores in our review process, you can send your score reports from the respective testing services, 包括在你的高中成绩单上, 或者发邮件到 admission@gumeimy.com 由你的指导顾问. 您可以通过将分数报告的截图或PDF通过电子邮件提交到 admission@gumeimy.com.

bwin体育负责SAT和ACT的评分, meaning that if you have taken either test more than once, 你应该提交你所有的分数, 我们会把你的最高部分分数加在一起,得出你的最高综合分数.

申请bwin体育的国际申请者不需要提交SAT或ACT成绩,但必须证明自己的英语水平. Official results from the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test (DET) are acceptable. Our required minimum for the TOEFL is 93, IELTS is 7.0, DET是125.

Learn about International Applicant Test Scores

